
How Marketers on the Board Bridge the Gap Between Customers and Corporate Strategy

How Marketers on the Board Bridge the Gap Between Customers and Corporate Strategy

ROI Wire | July 24, 2024
In today’s rapidly evolving marketplace, understanding and integrating customer insights into corporate strategy is more crucial than ever. Companies that excel in this integration not only respond more effectively to consumer needs but also enjoy a competitive advantage. The role of marketers on the board is pivotal in translating these…
Spotting a ‘Wooden Leg’: How to Identify Excuses from Your Marketing Team

Spotting a ‘Wooden Leg’: How to Identify Excuses from Your Marketing Team

ROI Wire | June 24, 2024
In every organization, there are hidden impediments to growth and innovation that often go unchallenged because they are disguised as justifiable excuses. In marketing, where innovation and adaptability are paramount, succumbing to these excuses can be particularly detrimental. This phenomenon is known as the “Wooden Leg” syndrome, where team members…
Bureaucracy and Blockades: How Rigid Structures Stifle Marketing Innovation

Bureaucracy and Blockades: How Rigid Structures Stifle Marketing Innovation

ROI Wire | June 20, 2024
In the rapidly evolving world of marketing, the ability to innovate — to pivot, adapt, and break new ground — is invaluable. Yet, for many organizations, a significant roadblock to this agility is not external competition or lack of resources, but internal bureaucracy. In theory, bureaucratic procedures are designed to…
How a Marketing Audit Can Transform Your Business

How a Marketing Audit Can Transform Your Business

ROI Wire | June 19, 2024
In the fast-paced world of business, staying ahead of the competition requires not just implementing marketing strategies but also periodically assessing their effectiveness. This is where a marketing audit becomes invaluable. A marketing audit is a thorough review of your marketing plan, objectives, strategies, and current activities being executed in…
When Red Tape Rules: How Bureaucracy Silences Valuable Marketing Feedback

When Red Tape Rules: How Bureaucracy Silences Valuable Marketing Feedback

ROI Wire | June 14, 2024
In many institutions, bureaucracy serves as a framework for order and control. However, when it comes to marketing, the rigidness of bureaucratic systems often becomes a hindrance, particularly with the essential process of interdepartmental feedback. Effective feedback is the lifeblood of successful marketing strategies—it fuels innovation, engagement, and profits. Yet,…
This 4-minute Quiz Will Tell You If Your Business Needs a Marketing Audit

This 4-minute Quiz Will Tell You If Your Business Needs a Marketing Audit

ROI Wire | June 12, 2024
Staying aligned with the most effective marketing strategies is crucial for any business aiming to thrive. But how can you be sure your marketing efforts are as efficient and impactful as they should be? In many cases, what you need is a fresh perspective on your current practices—a comprehensive marketing…
Integrating Marketing Strategy with Corporate Governance: A Roadmap for Accountability and Transparency

Integrating Marketing Strategy with Corporate Governance: A Roadmap for Accountability and Transparency

ROI Wire | June 10, 2024
The integration of marketing strategy with corporate governance is more than just a compliance requirement. It’s a strategic imperative that ensures accountability and transparency. As organizations strive to build trust with stakeholders and secure a competitive edge, aligning marketing efforts with the principles of good corporate governance can lead to…


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